App Store via DOFs

The DegenHive governance supports storing Apps as Dynamic Object Fields to enable p2p games and experiences

Using object fields for data storage has limitations: fixed field sets upon module publication, potential size increases with nested objects, and inability to store heterogeneous object collections efficiently. Sui offers dynamic fields with arbitrary names for flexible storage, mitigating these constraints and enabling efficient interaction through specialized libraries.


For unrestricted composability, developers can access dynamic-object fields of all SUI-address managed HiveProfiles using a HiveAppAccessCapability object, obtained through a proposal in the DegenHive governance.

This facilitates unparalleled composability and grants access to a censorship-resistant distribution layer, allowing developers to create P2P games and social experiences on top of DegenHive's social graph. User session-states in these experiences can be stored as objects accessible via HiveAppAccessCapability, stored as DOF against their HiveProfiles.

During deployment and launch, six HiveAppAccessCapability objects are crafted as follows:

  • Each user HiveProfile includes a pre-installed socialFi app called HiveChronicle, stored as DOF to the HiveProfile and accessible via a HiveAppAccessCapability object stored in the HiveChronicleVault shared object.

  • The remaining five capability objects are used to facilitate the DegenHive launch, including airdrop, lockdorp, and infusion phases, with each phase utilizing the capability to store the latest user-state.

Composable HiveProfiles

DegenHive offers developers the ability to mint HiveProfiles as owned objects, allowing them to be encapsulated within another object governed by rules defined in the Move module for the wrapper object.

Dynamic Object Fields of the owned HiveProfiles are readily accessible without needing a HiveAppAccessCapability, enabling developers to utilize them as needed for their applications.

Last updated