PoolHive for AMM Governance

Micro governance over AMM pools enabled by PoolHive Objects

The PoolHive object allows users to stake the LiquidityPool's LP tokens to

  • Govern associated AMM pool

  • Earn BEE and HIVE tokens as staking rewards

  • Earn 3rd party tokens as additional incentives as determined by Pool Governance

Protocol Governance to decide BEE and HIVE distribution among PoolHive Objects

BEE and HIVE is proportionately distributed among PoolHive objects based on a points system which is updatable by protocol governance -

HIVEearnedbyPoolHiveperepoch=TotalHIVEdistributedhive_pointshive_pointsHIVE\,earned\,by\,PoolHive\,per\,epoch = Total\,HIVE\,distributed\,*\frac{hive\_points}{\sum{hive\_points}}

LP Stakers' Earnings: LP stakers' HIVE earnings are determined by the hive_points allocated to their respective PoolHive, fostering democratic reward distribution.

HIVEearnedbyLPstaker=HIVEearnedbyPoolHiveLPstakebyuserTotalLPstakedHIVE\,earned\,by\,LP\,staker = HIVE\,earned\,by\,PoolHive\,*\frac{LP\,stake\,by\,user}{Total\,LP\,staked}

BEE token distribution is calculated in similar manner as HIVE token distribution described above.

Adding 3rd Party Incentives as LP staking rewards

Each PoolHive is capable of supporting up to three third-party rewards simultaneously. These rewards can be added by submitting a proposal through the pool governance mechanism managed by the PoolHive.

Additionally, proposals can be passed to update mathematical or fee-related parameters for the LiquidityPool governed by the PoolHive.

Last updated