dynamic NFTs

Hive Assets are dynamic NFTs composable across dapps supported by the protocol

DegenHive's identity framework is designed to launch and manage HiveAsset NFTs, dynamic NFTs stored and managed by HiveProfile objects.

A HiveAsset comes with the following capabilities -

  • Can represent ownership over digital IP (AI characters / gaming assets)

  • Can store HIVE tokens

  • Stores list of prompts <> attributes

  • Stores list of dapps it is composable with

  • Can store any user state for a dapp session at its DOF

A user can do the following interactions with a HiveAsset -

  1. Stake it to participate in protocol governance, which earns them yield

  2. Trade it among other HiveProfileobjects across the protocol

  3. Use it across dappssupported by the protocol

HiveAssets and the dapp store

HiveAsset NFTs are designed to be composable across dapps supported on top of the identity framework. A user can deposit his HiveAsset NFT in any of the supported dapps, with the dapp having access to the Store stored as a DOF of the HiveAsset.

Any dapp which custodies a HiveAsset can -

  • Add a Store as dynamic object field stored against dapp's name with the HiveAsset

  • Update the Store stored against the dapp's name with the HiveAsset

  • Delete the Store stored against the dapp's name with the HiveAsset

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