Sales and Auctions

The DegenHive MarketPlace facilitates two types of sale listings:

  1. Direct Sale Listings:

    1. Owners must specify:

      • The minimum SUI price at which a buyer can purchase the HiveAsset.

      • A u8 value indicating the access level needed to be able to bid for the listing -

        • 0 = anyone can bid for the listing

        • 1 = Users with worker level access and above can bid

        • 2 = Users with drone level access and above can bid

        • 3 = Users with queen level access and above can bid

      • A percentage discount and a u8 value indicating the access level needed to be eligible for discount on the listing price -

      • The starting time and duration of the listing.

    2. Buyers can either pay the minimum SUI price or make an offer below it. If the owner accepts the offer, the sale is executed.

    3. To settle the trade, the seller must claim the SUI paid by the buyer for the HiveAsset.

  2. Highest Bid Auctions:

    • Owners can list their HiveAsset for highest-bid auctions, where the highest bidder wins if their bid surpasses the minimum acceptable bid set by the owner.

    • Owners need to specify:

      • The minimum SUI bid price.

      • The auction's start time and duration.

      • A u8 value indicating the access level needed to be able to bid for the listing

    • Bidders can place bids during the auction or modify existing bids.

    • At the auction's end, the process_highest_bid_sale_listings function is called to determine the winner bid and execute the sale.

    • The winning bidder can claim the HiveAsset, while the owner can claim the received hSUI against the sale.

It's important to note that both auction and direct sale require interested buyers to place bids. When placing a bid, users must specify the bid's duration, and the locked SUI or hSUI can be reclaimed if the bid expires or is unsuccessful.

Last updated