Changing or Updating Subscriptions

This page provides clear guidance for both subscribers and HiveProfile admins on how to modify or cancel subscriptions, and how pricing changes are handled.

Changing or Cancelling Subscriptions (For Subscribers)

  • Modifying Your Access Level: If a subscriber wishes to alter or terminate their subscription for an access level to a profile, they have the option to do so. These changes take effect immediately and take into account the amount paid by them for the on-going access level, making sure they don't over pay for upgrading their access level.

Updating Subscription Pricing (For HiveProfile Admins)

  • Price Decreases: If the plan pricing is decreased, subscribers are automatically transitioned to the new pricing without any action required on their part. The updated pricing is applied during their next subscription payment processing at the time of renewal.

  • Price Increases: In the event of an increase in plan pricing, subscribers must acknowledge and accept the new pricing. This acceptance is necessary to proceed with processing the payment for the subsequent subscription session.

Last updated